Tuesday, August 24, 2004




(props to Kirsti “Angel of Death” MacPherson)
Noted psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross has started research on the final chapter of her best seller 'On Death and Dying' at 78, and will enter the 6th phase of coping with death: decomposition. Really, though, I can’t believe she’s gone. I’m so pissed she’s gone. I’d do anything to bring her back. I don’t know if I can go on. Marge, change the channel, this is boring. Kübler-Ross’ 1969 best seller changed the way people think of the terminally ill, and she later became a pioneer for hospice care. Although lauded for her humanitarian work, a closer look reveals her seemingly altruistic efforts were clearly self-serving, as in her later years she had been in hospice and was terminally ill, the culmination of a 35-year scheme for a cushy end-of-life.

(with some inspiration from Monty)



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