Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Third-Rate Corpse

E. Howard Hunt, the most ineffective covert operative this side of Maxwell Smart, has died at the age of 88. After orchestrating a successful coup in Guatemala, he was the architect of the Bay of Pigs invasion that was thwarted by Edward Bell Wilson’s horny big-mouthed son. Hunt did manage to bring down his second government when his bungled planning of the break-in at Democratic National Headquarters at the Watergate Hotel led to Richard Nixon’s resignation. His role in the Kennedy assassination has been the subject of much speculation and Congressional investigation. Hunt recruited 4 former operatives whose resumes included the Bay of Pig fiasco to break into Democrat headquarters in search of evidence that Fidel Castro had been donating to the McGovern campaign. When the burglars were caught, one had the White House number of Hunt, one of Nixon’s top “plumbers.” Nixon was then caught on tape discussing how to fund Hunt’s blackmail demands. Hunt was eventually convicted of burglary, conspiracy and wiretapping, serving 33 months in prison. Other highlights, hiring William F. Buckley, Jr. as a CIA operative to slip quietly into Mexican student organizations and breaking into the office of Daniel Ellsberg, the defense analyst who leaked the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times.

Two of us expected the liquidated plumber and Mark’s Beltway Boneyard IV: Foreign Exchange retakes first place while Michelle’s Death in the Afternoon pulls into a tie for 11th.

The revised leaderboard:
1st Mark – Beltway Boneyard IV: Foreign Exchange 3 hits, 14.395604398 points
2nd Monty - The U.N. Dead 2 hits, 30 points
3rd Greg - Team Quincy 2 hits, 21.53846154 points
4th Shawn - Team One – Oldest 2 hits, 11.53846154 points
(tie) Dawn - Go for the light, it's right there damn it 2 hits, 11.53846154 points



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