Thursday, December 18, 2008

Boldly Gone
Gene Roddenberry’s money grubbing widow, Majel Barrett Roddenberry, has died at the age of 76. She never used his last name until after he died, as brazen as it was moronic to think the lonely shut-ins who populate Trek conventions wouldn’t know Roddenberry’s grandmother’s maiden name, let alone his wife’s. In a fairly obvious bit of nepotism, she is the only person to appear in all 5 Star Trek series, starting as Number One in The Cage, the original pilot, then moving on to become the forever pining Nurse Chapel on the original series, where she met Gene, and two of the movies, and played Betazoid ambassador Lwaxana Troi on Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. She provided the voice for the Enterprise’s computer from the original series through 7 of the 11 movies, including the upcoming J.J. Abrams take on the franchise, and parodied that role on The Family Guy as the voice of Stewie’s sperm-shooting miniaturized sub. Taking notes she found after his death, she jump-started Several years after her husband's death, Roddenberry discovered a pilot script and turned them into syndicated series Gene Roddenberry's Earth: Final Conflict, with her serving as executive producer and playing a recurring role. She later did the same to become executive producer of the syndicated Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda.



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