Fill in the Hole Completely and Make Your Mark Dark
Stanley Kaplan is dead as a doornail is an example of a:
a) metaphor b) simile) c) preposition d) gerund
If a train carrying the casket of Stanley H. Kaplan left St. Louis at 6 p.m. traveling 74 miles per hour, when would it reach the New Montefiore Cemetery in Manhattan, 955 miles away?
Lisa Kudrow::fern as Stanley H. Kaplan::
a) root b) tree c) eagle d) the Space Needle in Seattle
Answer: A – both are underground
Stanley Kaplan, who got rich on people being dumb, has died of heart failure at the age of 90. Starting out in 1946 when a student asked for help on the SATs, Kaplan built a test-preparation empire that comprised 120 teaching centers and nearly 100,000 students when he sold it for $45 million when he sold it to The Washington Post. In the current climate that is obsessed with test scores at the expense of being able to think, the company recorded $2.3 billion in revenue last year.
a) metaphor b) simile) c) preposition d) gerund
If a train carrying the casket of Stanley H. Kaplan left St. Louis at 6 p.m. traveling 74 miles per hour, when would it reach the New Montefiore Cemetery in Manhattan, 955 miles away?
Lisa Kudrow::fern as Stanley H. Kaplan::
a) root b) tree c) eagle d) the Space Needle in Seattle
Answer: A – both are underground
Stanley Kaplan, who got rich on people being dumb, has died of heart failure at the age of 90. Starting out in 1946 when a student asked for help on the SATs, Kaplan built a test-preparation empire that comprised 120 teaching centers and nearly 100,000 students when he sold it for $45 million when he sold it to The Washington Post. In the current climate that is obsessed with test scores at the expense of being able to think, the company recorded $2.3 billion in revenue last year.
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