Sunday, February 14, 2010

Rode Hard and Put Away Dead

(Tip o’ the cap to Mark)
Dick Francis, the most successful steeplechase jockey turned mystery novelist in history, has died at the age of 89. The author of more than 40 novels, or rather the same novel 40 times – meticulously detailed description of life in the paddocks, bad thing happens to jockey/horse/trainer/owner/breeder, modest, decent hero sees justice done by facing off against the antagonist, upper lip as stiff as they come. Francis tried to satisfy his fans with one book a year throughout his career, sort of a Stephen King of the equestrian set, and earned the title of grand master from the Mystery Writers of America. Prior to his writing career, he was the champion jockey of the 1953-54 British racing season, then was retained as “jockey” to the frisky queen mum for four seasons.

Monty had him 2006-2008 before he started spending all his time saving the American auto industry, and Michelle D dropped him after 2008.


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