Saturday, January 01, 2011

Please Don’t Eat Daisy

Daisy Doonesbury has failed to live up to her promise to drive into the sea when it was her time, opting for the traditional funeral at about 90 years old. The Widow Doonesbury lived near Tulsa as a symbol of Midwestern values and the gradual decline of America’s family farms. She testified before Congress about farm subsidies in 1985, responding to a vicious line of questioning with “You can't stop me, I'm a Depression-era widow of a World War II veteran living on a family farm,” leading the senator to respond, “I yield to the widow's awesome iconography.” After her health forced her to move in with son Michael in Seattle, she railed against the non-existent death panels of health care reform and burned her Medicare card to protest all government-run programs, despite having accepted farm subsidies for 43 years.



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