Dissenting In Pine Bin
(Deserved decoration for Don)
Argle Bargled
(Meritorious mention for Mike B)
Scalia’s lifelong quest to keep the United States bound to the whims of
slave-owning men in powdered wigs and breeches who sought to cure
disease with bleeding and conflicts with guns that could fire 3 shots a
minute (including ample reloading time in between), has ended with his
death from “natural causes” while “alone” at a West Texas resort at the
age of 79. Scalia was lauded for his entertainingly written opinions, if
you consider unfettered access to guns and extremely fettered access to
your own body entertaining. After DOMA was overturned, he suggested
that the Supreme Court had no more right to determine gays were a
minority deserving protection than it would for pederasts. He called the
Voting Rights Act the "perpetuation of racial entitlement.” He was a
darling among conservatives, who claim to abhor activist judges, yet
celebrated his attempts to overturn Miranda v. Arizona and Roe v. Wade.
Scalia’s originalist leanings also led him to argue against Gideon v.
Wainwright, which established the government’s responsibility to provide
indigent defendants with lawyers, and Brown v. Board of Education, as
there was no intent in the 14th Amendment to desegregate schools.
Ironically for this man of Constitutional purity, the battle over who
will name his successor has already started in purely political terms,
as Republicans have apparently found a hidden clause in Article 2 "[the
president] shall nominate ... Judges of the supreme Court…” unless in an
election year with an opposition Congress, ignoring the 17 judges
previously nominated in election years, most recently President Reagan’s
appointment of Anthony Kennedy.
Labels: New Jersey, Supreme Court
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