Wednesday, May 04, 2005



The Adventures of Augie Funeral March

Or (The Monty act)

Saul Whimper

Or (In the Michelle portion of the program)

Henderson the Remains King


Dangling Dead Man


Pall Bellow

Saul Bellow, one of the most honored authors in American history, has died at the age of 89. Alternately praised as one of the greatest novelists of the 20th century or criticized for writing "a travelogue for the timid mind," Bellow instilled his intellectual curiosity and insight, wry and sometimes dark humor and Midwestern sensibility in his characters. Bellow is the only author to have won the National Book Award three times, in 1954 for "The Adventures of Augie March," in 1965 for "Herzog" and in 1971 for "Mr. Sammler's Planet." In 1976, he won the Pulitzer Prize, for "Humboldt's Gift," as well as the Nobel Prize in literature. He continued producing novels (and children – he leaves behind a 5-year-old daughter) through the end of his life and since 1993, he had taught a literature course at Boston University. This has been a rough month for Boston University, who lost former first lady Kathryn Silber and Dean ad nauseum George Mackechnie, who had been affiliated with the school since 1929, in March.

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