Thursday, April 07, 2005

Absence of Melis

Next time you find yourself wincing during the painful banter between Jay Leno and Kevin Eubanks, first, smack yourself for watching Leno, then curse Jose Melis and Jack Paar for starting the tradition. Melis, a classically trained Cuban pianist who studied at Julliard before slumming on the idiot box with Jack Paar, died this month at the age of 85. Paar met Melis when the two were serving in the Army, and they became fast friends. Paar brought Melis along as musical director for the many variety shows he hosted that eventually culminated with the Tonight show. In this role, Melis appeared often on screen, bantering with Paar and carving out the patterns for a half century of time-wasting minutes between talk-show hosts and music monkeys.


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