Monday, October 23, 2006

Mother Knows Death

TV Mom Jane Wyatt has died of natural causes, the logical course of action for a woman of 96. A film star of the 1930s, Wyatt is probably best remembered as the eternally doting mother of disgustingly precious Betty, James and Kathy and patient wife of drunken Jim on Father Knows Best. The nicknames “Princess,” “Bud,” and “Kitten” came about as Robert Young covered for not remembering their names as he staggered about the set in a stupor. For tolerating the weekly treacly messages in a thoroughly out-of-place-for-Midwestern-“Springfield” patrician accent, Wyatt took home three Emmys. For the mom’s basement set, Wyatt will be better remembered as Spock’s mother Amanda Grayson on a 1966 episode of Star Trek and again on Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.

I was the only one who knew Jane had lived long and prospered enough and my Killing Time squad climbs into a tie at 13th. More notably, this is our 33rd hit of the year, a new record with 5 weeks to go.


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