Friday, July 20, 2007

The King and Eye Shadow

Faye-d Away

Faye-th No More

On To the Rouge Morgue

Death Mascara
Tammy Faye Bakker Messner, the evangelista who introduced the trowel to the make-up kit and was the only straight man JM J Bullock ever had any use for, has died at the age of 65. Tammy Faye’s make-up slathered face was a perfect icon for the over-the-top, hypocritical ‘80s as she sat beside her preacher man/ Mel Torme-lookalike husband first begging for money for their Praise the Lord Network then begging for forgiveness through charges of embezzlement from said network and then stories of his tawdry affair with skanky church secretary Jessica Hahn. In good times and in bad, Tammy Faye was an easy cryer, and the resulting streaks of mascara gave the impression she was taking part in some type of tribal ritual. Enough mascara got in her eyes that she didn’t seem to notice her lavish lifestyle funded by millions siphoned off the PTL books. Because America refuses to let the ‘80s die, she kept making comebacks, alongside Bullock on the JM and Tammy Faye trainwreck of a talk show that lasted about 6 weeks in 1996, in appearances parodying her image as an eyebrow-tattooing pioneer as a make-up lady on Roseanne and then as mommy to overly adorned Mimi Bobeck on The Drew Carey Show, and most recently in the VH1 freakshow The Surreal Life alongside Erik Estrada, Vanilla Ice and porn legend Ron Jeremy.

Seven Pooligans make up ground with the hit. Greg’s Team Quincy moves into 3rd, Kirsti’s You've Got a Date With an Angel (of Death) takes 8th, Michelle’s Take My Life assumes 9th, my The Family Plot Thickens slips into 14th, Jen climbs into 18th, Lauren joins the dogpile at 27th and Michelle’s I’m Not Dead… Yet takes a baby step into 42nd.

Shah Long, Farewell, Zahir Says Good Night
Mohammed Zahir Shah, the last man to govern an Afghanistan that could go a week without half its citizenry trying to kill each other, has died at the age of 92. He assumed the throne when his father was gunned down in 1933 and lost it in a bloodless coup led by his cousin while out of the country for medical treatment. The cousin was murdered a few years later when the communists took over, then the Soviets invaded, then when they withdrew a civil war started that led to the Taliban’s rise to power. Clearly a country with a strong democratic tradition to restore. Zahir Shah’s rule was known as a peaceful 40 years with no economic development other than opium production. Rather than raising a stink about returning to his rubble-strewn heroin den, he lived the good life in Italy for almost 30 years, begrudgingly returning when the Taliban were outsted in 2002.

Michelle and Joy missed the Kabul’s Eye on this one, dropping him after 2004 and 2006, respectively, costing themselves 4th and 5th place, also respectively.


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