Saturday, September 06, 2008

Hitch Hike to Heaven

Anita Pulse

Page Turner
Anita Page, one of the biggest actresses in the world a half century before I was born and a leading player in the escalation toward World War II, has died at the age of 98. The last leading lady of the silents, Page had starred opposite Lon Chaney, Buster Keaton, Robert Montgomery and Clark Gable, then took a 60-year hiatus from the movies before resurfacing in 1996 and appearing as the crazy old lady in several B horror films, including Frankenstein Rising, due out later this year. She claimed that she spurned the advances of MGM head of production Irving Thalberg, and giving him the blue balls got her blackballed at all the major studios. A cautionary tale for young actresses who don’t want to give it up. At the height of her popularity, she was getting more fan mail than any actress except Greta Garbo. Included in that mail were several marriage proposals from Benito Mussolini. His heart broken, he turned to developing Italy into a military power and slapping Ethiopia and Albania around to release his pent-up frustration.


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