Friday, February 10, 2012

How Low Can Zaslow Go? Six Feet, at Least

Anyone hoping to chronicle their 15 minutes of fame have one less option for co-author as a result of the car accident death of Wall Street Journal columnist and writer-for-hire Jeffrey Zaslow.  Zaslow wrote for the Orlando Sentinel and the Chicago Sun-Times (where at just 29 years old he replaced Ann Landers with a column called “All That Zazz”), he moved to the WSJ where he wrote the column “Moving On,” which focused on life transitions. Who said business journalism couldn’t be ironic? As an author, he co-wrote books by Captain Chesley Sullenberger, Gaby Giffords, and most notably Carnegie Mellon professor Randy Pausch, cornering the market on near death experiences. His book with Pausch, The Last Lecture, became an international best seller, with 5 million copies sold in the US alone. Zaslow also wrote books on his own, typically on inspirational stories like a group of life-long friends from Ames, Iowa and the hopes of mothers and their soon to be married daughters in The Magic Room. Zaslow was also an avid runner, for all that it helped him.

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