Friday, December 01, 2006

2006 Champion

Well, I hate to disappoint everyone, but I failed to repeat as champion. Congratulations to Paul, the 5th champion in as many years for the George Harrison Invitational Dead Pool, winning a close won over second-time bridesmaid Greg, 6 points back, and Craig, 7 1/3 points back despite at one point having gone more than a year without a hit. Results unofficial until Dec. 7 in case Beverly Cleary is found facedown under an overpass and it takes time to locate her dental records.

Consolation prizes for geographic bragging rights:
Greg – first place, ChicagoLand Division and Boston University alum Division
Craig – first place, Michigan Division
Jen – first place, Slack Division
Paul – also first place, Massachusetts Division

We set a record for hits this year with 37, but this was a well-spread cemetery – this year’s winner would have finished 7th last year.

This was the 5th year for the GHI Among the things that failed to last 5 years – the United States Football League, Michael Ovitz’ tenure at Disney, Nick and Jessica, New Coke and Dwight Eisenhower’s first son.

A shout-out to the 5 who have stuck around from the start: Mark, Greg, Kirsti, Michelle and your curmudgeonly deathmeister. And an enough already to the 13 who have been taunting us every year with their inexplicable vigor: Ingmar Bergman, Ray Bradbury, Kirk Douglas, Steven Hawking, Jesse Helms, Whitney Houston, Lady Bird Johnson, Harry Morgan, Augusto Pinochet, Mickey Rooney, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Gloria Stuart and Abe Vigoda.


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