Friday, December 01, 2006

And 2007 Begins

And the search for the 6th Angel of Death begins.

Among the notables this year…

Congratulations to Lady Bird Johnson, who has topped Pope John Paul II as the greatest confounder in Dead Pool history, appearing on 53 lists. Now that the point’s been made, … For the second year in a row, Johnson is the most common pick, tying Brooke Astor and Gerald Ford to offer lots of lists few points. The rookie of the year is Ariel Sharon with 8 selections. Of note, Warren Zevon is the only top rookie to actually come through.

A new record with 51 lists, and apparently Vladimir Putin decided not to submit after his listees started dropping a little too soon.

This year marks the first time anyone’s been listed specifically based on suspicion that they might get whacked by a soon-to-be ex. Also, our first two-generation selection, of sorts, with Louis Farrakhan joining the Moms of the Nation of Islam, Ruby Muhammad.

As we start 2006-06, Joy Foder has gone the longest without a hit, August 8, 2004, when she and everybody else scored with Fay Wray. Joy did take the 2004-05 season off to find herself, so the longest continuous streak goes to Jenni Prokopy who’s had nothing but nope since the Pope in April ’05.

A refresher on the spreadsheet has the entries (1), a breakdown of how many times peeps were picked so you don’t have to do the math to see how many points Al “Grampa” Lewis is worth (2.85714286) (2), headlines (3), the all-time targets, to track tends (4), the reapers so you can track your own success – active names in bold (5), average top finish – yes, we’re all technically first, but I didn’t want the newbies to get too full of themselves (6), and past year’s final results and headlines. The early years are a little spotty as my neuroses had yet to fully take hold.

I’ll see many of you and/or your designated representatives in the next couple weeks. Otherwise, let’s see the cash.


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