Wednesday, March 19, 2008

2008: A Confined Space Odyssey

(Props to Mark)

Adulthood's End

Report from Six Feet Under Planet Three
(More kudos for Mark)

A Death Odyssey
(Stolen from the Derby Dead Pool, where I’m now in 136th)
Arthur C. Clarke, who threw tons of shit at the wall and was hailed as a genius when some of it stuck, has died at the age of 90 from injuries sustained when he stepped on broken glass in his bedroom left behind by a younger version of himself. It is unknown if he left a will, or any explanation about what the hell was going on at the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey. He is credited with advancing (not inventing) the idea of the geostationary telecommunications satellite in 1945 and the space elevator. For the record, he also expected us to have trained monkey servants, to have made extraterrestrial contact, to have invented murderous computers, and to be driving cold fusion-powered cars by now. He was the first Chancellor of the International Space University, serving from 1989 to 2004, and also served as Chancellor of Moratuwa University in Sri Lanka from 1979 to 2002. Allegedly both of those are real places.

Two of us shared Clarke’s prescience and expected his passing and split our first hit in more than a month: Marlene notches her first hit for her Not so Good to be King squad and my Dead Calm cluster joins her in 9th.


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