Monday, December 24, 2012

The Last Angry Man


Odd Man Out

(Stolen without remorse from


Slab Coat

(Props to Monty)
Jack Klugman, who only got into acting school because of the war-time absence of able men and often sold his own blood to make rent, has died at the age of 90. Klugman was slovenly sports writer Oscar Madison to Tony Randall’s prissy photographer Felix Unger on the TV version of The Odd Couple, earning two Emmys to Randall’s one. The two remained lifelong friends, reuniting for a benefit stage version of The Odd Couple and a revival of The Sunshine Boys. Randall was one of the first people to visit Klugman after undergoing surgery for throat cancer, and Klugman wrote about their friendship in Tony and Me. Klugman then moved on to star in the weekly public service announcement that was Quincy, ME, solving crimes while delivering long-winded soliloquies about various medical and societal injustices. One of those soliloquies drew attention to orphan drugs – medications that treat conditions not common enough to make them profitable for pharmaceutical companies to pursue – with Klugman himself testifying before Congress to encourage passage of legislation that would offer economic incentives to develop these agents and then writing an episode of Quincy to shame Senator Orrin Hatch, who had been holding up the bill. He starred in 4 episodes of The Twilight Zone as a down-and-out trumpeter, an excellent small-town pool player, a spaceship pilot who refused to accept his own death and a bookie who trades his life for his soldier son’s. Despite the years of good will he earned on the small screen, he was unable to make John Stamos palatable and You Again? was cancelled after 2 seasons. His best known movie role is probably Juror #5 in Twelve Angry Men, as the product of a tough neighborhood who explains how switchblades are used; he was the last surviving member of the cast.

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