Friday, July 22, 2005

Off the Radar

George D. Wallace, whose career spanned more than 50 years, but was only remembered for an awful serial from 1952, has died at the age of 88. Wallace starred as Commando Cody in “Radar Men from the Moon,” a low-budget but well-loved affair involving Cody’s space patrol flying to the moon to find out why it was shooting at the Earth, before going on to leading roles in Broadway musicals, including “Pipe Dream,” “The Pajama Game,” “New Girl on Town,” and “Jennie.” He later reprised the role in the 1966 TV movie “Retik, the Moon Menace.” Wallace played character parts in about 80 films, including “Submarine Command,” “Billy Jack Goes to Washington,” “My Girl 2” and “Bicentennial Man.” He also made more than 125 TV guest appearances, including giving Xander Harris a view of his future on his wedding day on “Buffy, the Vampire Slayer.”

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