Monday, December 09, 2002

Bring Out Your Dead

And now the death watch can begin. A few drop-outs, a few new faces, and a total of 14 entries, for a kitty of $70. Those who have not paid up should do so, at the risk of becoming a deadbeat.

Attached is the final listing of who's playing and who hopefully will soon be laying in a bed of lilies. The number under your name is the total number of bonus points you could earn if all 10 of your entrants exit. Sheet two is a complete list of the names and faces to watch the obits for, the number of people who chose them, and the point value for each. Definitely a good mix, and the new wrinkle benefiting unique picks has resulted in a total of 93 names, with Greg taking obscure honors with 9 solo entries on one pool. Warren Zevon (9), Bob Hope (9) and Ronald Reagan (7) were the most popular, and will be even more so, should they make a date with an angel.
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