Madame Chiang Kai-Shek, who fought the Japanese in WWII and the Communist Revolution in China alongside her husband, President Chiang Kai-Shek, has died at the age of 105. Born Soong Mei-ling in China, she studied in the U.S. from age 10-19, graduating from Wellesley College in Massachusetts in 1917, giving her a familiarity with Western thought and culture. After marrying Chiang Kai-Shek, she did everything from serve as his interpreter to performing social work to running China's Air Force during WWII. They then unsuccessfully tried to maintain the power of Nationalist China during the Communist Revolution, retreating to Taiwan, and then after President Chiang Kai-Shek's death in 1975, she moved to the United States. Even before his death, their influence had been waning, and after coming to the United States, Madame Chiang Kai-Shek lived in seclusion, one exception being her endorsement of a Nationalist candidate for president in 2000. He was soundly defeated, ending the party's five-decade hold on the presidency.
But on the bright side, Madame Kirsti wrests control of the 2003 George Harrison Invitational back to the other side of the breakfast table with her 7th hit of the year with 5 weeks to go. Rough break for Conni, who had Madame Chiang Kai-Shek last year, but dropped her. Conni also had Elia Kazan last year but not this. D'oh. In her defense, two of her additions this year: Hume Cronyn and Warren Zevon did kick it old school in '03.
The Leaderboard:
1st: Kirsti 7 dead, 78.44444444 points
2nd: Greg's Wily Veterans 6 dead, 66.22222222 points
3rd: Keith 5 dead, 43.88888889 points
4th: Conni 5 dead, 26.11111111 points
5th: Me 4 dead, 33.88888889 points