(Kudos to Monty)
Tap Out
(A shared epitaphany with Monty)
Tom Magliozzi, who along with his brother Ray did not smack a smart ass intern from Minneapolis while introducing humor to public radio listeners, has died of complications from Alzheimer’s disease at the age of 77. So he wasn’t kidding that he couldn’t remember last week’s Puzzler. The rare MIT grads to find honest work, the brothers opened an auto repair shop in Cambridge, their fair city, in the late 1970s. In 1987, Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers, started as weekly contributors to Weekend Edition on NPR, then got their own gig: Car Talk. Combining corny humor and convincingly impressive automotive distress diagnostic skills – which occasionally proved accurate – they became a fixture on NPR for 25 years, earning a Peabody in 1992, until Tom’s illness forced the end of new shows in 2012. While running the garage, taping the show, and teaching at local universities, Tom also found time to earn a doctorate in Marketing from Boston University School of Management, becoming a full professor for 8 years before deciding he really didn’t like teaching. The brothers “appeared” in Pixar’s Cars as the owners of Rust-eze, Lightning McQueen’s sponsor, with Tom voicing a 1963 Dodge Dart convertible, a reference to the beloved car he mentioned often on the radio.
Labels: Disney, NPR, voice over